Masturbation Month Playlist
Get down while you're gettin' down with yourself.
Masturbation—aka paddling the pink canoe or wanking your chain, whatever you want to call it—is pretty hot on its own. But, put some sexy music on during your solo sesh, and it gets EPIC!
Music Has the Power to Please
Researchers have found that “[m]usic has a unique power to elicit moments of intense emotional and psychophysiological response – termed ‘chills,’ ‘thrills’, [or] ‘frissons’,” that scientists refer to as “skin orgasms”. These electrifying sensations can resonate “deeply and viscerally”, to create a pleasant (one might even say orgasmic?) tingling feeling like gooseflesh or even shudders throughout the body.
Listening to an evocative song can create these erotic frissons that can be akin to “spiritual ecstasy” and elicit a profound emotional response too, like when you hear a sad song that makes you cry. Not only that, but according to neuroscience, music can create arousal in the brain (the autonomic nervous system) which spikes during a sudden loud part of a song, or a high or low frequency, called “peak musical emotional experiences”. These spikes of “unexpected harmonies” and “melodic sequences” can actually increase your heart rate and breathing, similar to what happens during sexual arousal.
Wow! Who knew how powerful (and sexy) music could be?
Just imagine what music can do to you while you are jilling or jacking off to it!

Masturbate to Music
So, we’ve put together this marathon sexy song playlist of 45 bump’n and grind’n tunes to give you a helping—e-hem, hand, so to speak—so you can get all the feels (and chills) … while you are getting all the feels. We also added some of the top songs people groove to during solo sex, according to Spotify (Buzzfeed), for you as well.
You can thank us later ;)
WARNING: While many of these are purely romantic, you may hear some explicit lyrics in this playlist. So, if you don’t like to hear dirty words like “wet @ss p@ssy”, please press pause now.
That’s it, lovers! We hope we have inspired you to go touch yourself, your lady wood, and WAP, so you can get your kicks during your own solo body party!
This sexy masturbation playlist is sure to evoke some thrills, chills, and even an erotic frisson (or two) while you enjoy your skin orgasms and sexual ecstasy.
I would say “Go F@ck Yourself”, but that goes without saying.
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